There's going to be Thal. Day celebrated (I'm not sure if this is the right word for it) here in Rwp/Isl. at Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (P.I.M.S) with the collaboration of Jamila Sultana Foundation and other Thal. Centers of the city.
Agenda will be as usual

(progress of treatment and care facilites and musical performances by kids).

The chief guest will be
Federal Health Minister Ms. Sherry(Shehrbano) RehmanI was going skip this event as it's going to be the same old speeches again with no improvement regarding new innovations in technology like FerriScan, issues regarding the price of Asunra, availibility of Desferal, nothing about the awareness among population and social wellbeing of Thals.
Plus I have a sufficient dose of kids rattle every week when my nephews visit
UNTIL I receive a last minute call from JSF. Telling me to be the Chief Guest representing them
I don't have the slightest idea what I will do there. The only thing they told me is that they want to know about this site

and how am I contributing as a rep of JSF and Pakistan

I think this is a great opportunity for drawing more attention of the doctors (and hopefully the health minister) to see what is going on around the world regarding Thal. and where Pakistan stands.
I need all the tips from everyone here so that I could tell them to at least visit this site once and see the innovations in the treatment and management of Thal. worldwide. I would really like them to know about FerriScan, rejection of the stigmas associated with Thal. and how our older members are living a perfectly normal healthy life.
Will it be o.k if I register a short redirecting URL to the site as I have noticed that with our current URL people tend to get confused with the plurals involved and the British and American spelling of Thal. I want to give out the URL to everyone that I meet

I think I will go for something like "thalsite" I will find a suitable service and send you a PM about it.
I wish I had our JSF site completed BUT NOOOO my project manager is too busy doing other things. I have the site half uploaded for about 6 months or so with all the blanks ready to be filled by him.

Edit: I've registered Try it out and share it with your friends and family!