Tattoo question

  • 1 Replies

Offline Danielle

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Tattoo question
« on: April 23, 2006, 11:15:21 AM »
Copied from MSN Thal Forum - Please add your own comments below, if you wish.

From: Natalie  (Original Message) Sent: 10/9/2002 1:45 PM

I have a question, although a minor one: is it inadvisable for someone with Thalassemia to get a tattoo? I am concerned about possible side effects and/or problems.


From: vazirani Sent: 10/9/2002 11:23 PM

well apart from transmitting a disease that needle may cause some infection which would not be good but if you really have a good artist then what the hell go for it you only live once!
Ash Vaz

From: va_nuttiE76 Sent: 10/9/2002 11:28 PM

hi nat..welll thal patients is normal but just that they need to be taken care it is ok to put tattoo like normal person from my side of view..


From: livevil Sent: 10/10/2002 3:35 AM

Hello Natalie,

I am a thal-maj, patient, 28 yrs. old. I have one tattoo done with four brand new needles right out of the packages, adhered to a tongue depressor. The needles were then dipped in india ink, black, whole work took 1 hr. The artwork stunk, but my worry afterwords was I gonna get a blood infection by the ink.

Well I am working on getting that one covered, and after six tattoo shops that would not give me ink ingredients. I found one, see my hematologist is willing to have cultures of my blood and the inks combined in the lab. If there is a reaction to a particular color, well i won't use that one at all.

Now both my cousins just got doctors notes, and had them done a physical graffiti , in rochester, fairport, ny. Robert and David Rymer are my cousins, robert is sadly missed, he passed on of congestive heart failure tho. But, I remember the artwork he had on his arms and shoulder blade area. It was awesome, and half were original works, some one he knew drew for him. If I have this done, by the 2004 Patient/Parent Conference my original will be covered up by then.

From: mrburger1 Sent: 11/6/2002 11:22 PM
Hi there, just want to let you know that if you the tattooer is safe and clean go for it.
I have had mine for 26 years now ,I'm 44 just so you know, life is out there to have fun in so go enjoy. And get more then one, I have four . Can't get anymore the wife will not let me.

Have A good Day


Offline Miaki

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Re: Tattoo question
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 02:32:28 PM »
In regards to getting a tattoo, as long as your tattooest is clean, uses new needles and you can stand the pain you should be fine. Also if you have HepC - please ensure that you mention it to the tattooer so they.

Because one has Thal Major it doesnt mean you cant do anything in life. Life is to be enjoyed, live life to the fullest or as each new day was your last.



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