It has been now two years since i became a member of this site. Each year i like to post about this topic as being here was and is a turning point in my life. Though two years had passed and we talked about every possible subject related to thal, i still learn everyday something new. I really mean everyday, sometimes it is a medical information or ways of management, personal expierence, strategies to deal with my son,............ and above all support and caring for others. I am amazed how all of us here receive this huge unconditional support from everyone any time.
I am so grateful to everyone here and i owe you all a lot. You are all part of my life and as i said before many of you are known in my familiy by your names and seeing you all face to face is one of my dreams. Have a lot to say but i am not able to express myself in words, guys i love you all soooo much

I want you all to know that i am and will always be here for any of you as long as i live. I want to thank everyone of you by names but i am afraid that i will forget to mention a name cause - thanks to God- we have new members everyday. But frankly each one of you had contributed to my life and my family's life.
Andy, i just want you to know that you are doing a super wonderful job. When you are stressed or feel down, please remember that you are not just giving information or helping someone but you are changing lives of people, families, parents and patients. Many members have changed their way of dealing with their illiness as a result of your contionous talking and advising. When you tell any of us about chelation and how is compliance is so important, i feel like you are talking to one of your children, you are so sincere. Andy, i am sure that God will reward you and all your beloved for all your wonderful deeds. I am ''infinity'' grateful to you and i always pray for you .
Lisa, i wish i could have known you but Andy stories about you says that you are a caring and wonderful person. You have changed my life.
Danielle, my friend, in spite of your temprory absence but your warm posts give us all the support we need. Please don't be late, you are greatly missed here.
To all of you my friends, i love you so much and i wish one day that this place would be an international foundation for thal. We are so perfect and i am sure that one day we will all celebrate the cure for thal togather as we have shared our pains togather.
Much love to you all