I hope you don't mind I am posting this en public.
It's OK , Dont worry ...
Umair, you are always positive. How do you do that? I mean you never really post here something that is written in a depression mood (like I do). I can not really express this feeling into words. But I guess you know what I am trying to say
hummmm, I think Bcoze my Blood Group is B+ve Hahahaha

Okie.... okiey ... now serious .. coming back to your question ....
humm mmm.. i m gonna try to answer this if i can ..
the way i think " why to cry for the thing u can't change by crying and why to worry abt the thing you know that's not in your hand to change that "... soo always take up the funny side of everything ,... like a few time my cousin said to me " you look's younger than your age budy, why dont you growing u faster " my reply was a line fromm an Ad " its fun to b young buddy " and i have mentioned all that in other post :
HI all i know that i m too much late to reply on this topic its .. i m a new meber n i found this site recently a few weeks ago ........... i cant stop my self to sending a reply on this interesting topic .. bocze several time my cousins who r younger than me said to me that ( umair bro grow up buddy ) ( here i want to explain 1thing that they r so caring and they do some extra care of me ) ............ everytime i answer's to them like this ..
1 ) wat did you got by growing fast ? ( in punjabi style " teno ki milya tezi na wada ho kay?? " ).
2 ) is ur younger cousins 11-15 let all of u play with them obviously NO but they dont stop me to play with them and i also play cricket in your team HAHAHHAHHA .
4 ) and u know that wat impersiion left at some1's mind when when i discuss something to him " HE IS MUCH MATURE THAN THEIR AGE FELLOW " .
i enjoyed these kind of comments abt me hahahhahahahhahaa
when you can't change something that annoy you or something that is going wrong with you then only give your best and then leave that to GOD , dont think about that ... if i will write something in depressed mood will that ease my pain

will that take up to wat i m going through ?? absolutely NO ... ... try to find the possitive side of everything. ... and try to live the life and try new issues of life instead of sticking to one issue of the life ... its funny to always complaining for wat you dont have a and forget to say thanks To your GOD for wat you have ... only onething e.g if HE take's up only your memory then wat you can do ?? nothing , so say thanx to him and be happy that you have a good mind to remember your routine's To-Do List ... look , we have pair of hands, eyee, eare and legs , wat can we do if HE take up one of them , Thanx GOD , HE made us complete Human being .. and when you think this way you will never feel that your self un-lucky ...
i think i make sense and explained it clearly ... Anymore question


.. and please dont mind and ignore if you dont like anything in this post or let me know if you want me to edit something to this post ...
Best Regards