Day 11 and 12-
Mo's chemotherapy has begun. It is a little tough now,wont deny it!

He has monitoring electrodes attached to his chest and his right index finger(bless the right handed boy!

)...And since the drugs that have to be given on these first 2 days affect the heart, there is a periodic ECG to be taken as well...but I was present during on the of those ECG sessions and it wasnt as ghastly as the first time we had got it done for Mo during the complete body check up! Ghastly for Mo as well as the attending doctor!!

He has to gargle with some special liquid every 4 hours and that is a little irksome but as many other things no other go!
There are a total of 4 chemotherapy drugs that will be used and they will be given one in a day over a period of 10 days in varying schedules, which I am not completely aware of. But these have the potential to decrease his appetite and lead to nausea and vomitting...So far I am trying to make the food that he likes so he atleast consumes something...They are also supplementing him with lots of electrolyte fluids which include salts like KCl,NaHCO3... Due to the language hassle, it is a little difficult to get exact details...
Another thing, what I have got to know is that the doctor is planning to do a sort of triple transplant that I mean-Cord blood transplant with bone marrow transplant and peripheral blood transplant. That is why Masumi needs to be admitted 6 days in advance to undergo what is called as pheresis. She has to donate about 50% of her blood volume to her brother in small quantities in these days. Her blood will be withdrawn in amounts of 50-100ml at each go and she will be transfused blood to refurbish that. This will be done over a period of those 6 days before the transplant.
Thats all for now...