High ferritin levels, Resting heart rate going down Beta thal Minor Plz Advise

  • 2 Replies
I am 37 years old with Beta Thal minor
Recently i observed my Resting heart rate is going down, at the moment its 50 in my fit bit HR . Sitting in an office chair or watching TV it goes as low as 53-54 . My ECG is not showing any concerns to Doctors.
My blood tests doesn't show any major deviation in my haemoglobin(119g/l) but my Ferritin is high at levels 458 ug/L.

My GP doesn't see it as cause of immediate concern but I can feel I am not functioning correctly, is this level of ferritin is very high and needs to be treated urgently .
What Should be my next step ? Any information will be very useful.

Many Thanks,


Offline Sharmin

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  • Gender: Female
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Hello Ash,

Are you quite athletic? How is your blood pressure? And what is your daily fluid intake?  Also, have you had your thyroid levels checked recently?


Hi Sharmin,

Thanks for the reply, i am not very athletic, i don't think I can justify below 60 RHR .
My Daily fluid intake is definitely adequate, my blood pressure is within normal limits and Thyroid function test is normal , Below are my recent readings

TSH 1.37 (Normal 0.35 - 4.5)
Plasma Glucose 4.6 mmo/L (Normal 3-11)

U&E LFT & Bone Profile all normal
Cholestrol 4.7 mmol/L (Normal 0-5.2)
c-reactive Protein <2 (Normal 0-5)

Haemoglobin 119 g/L
MCV 67.4ft(
MCH 20.6(27-32)
MCHC 306 (310-360)
Hypochromic RBC % 21.6 (0-2.5)



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