Hello Andy ,
I started following your advice for a little more than a month now. I do feel a little better although i haven't started taking L-methylfolate yet.
Few things i wanted to ask : Is there any chance these supplements have any negative effects on me ?
Also i started eating alot of fruits , typical day would be 2 bananas , orange juice and apple + pear. Any chance i shouldn't do that or should reduce the frequency ?
Last i occasionally eat red meat , not too frequently , should i completely cut it from my diet ?
my last tests :
WBC 13790 , RBC 3580000 , HB 7.4 , HT : 25.7 , MCV 71.8 , MCH 20.7 , MCHC 28.8 , PLT 543000 , RDW-CV 27.7 .