Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...

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Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:44:43 PM »
I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not I should get the Flu/H1N1 combo vaccine for my 22 month old son that has Thalassemia Minor.  Last year, I only did the regular flu shot but this year our pediatrician only has the combination vaccine (Flu/H1N1) and that's why I'm having trouble deciding, it just makes me so nervous.  Have you had the combo vaccine? Why did/didn't you get it?  I'm mostly leaning towards not getting it for him because I have seen how sick my mother gets after getting the shot.  But then my MIL starts calling and calling to see if I will get it for him and tells me all these things.  My mother told me that I have never gotten the flu shot.  When I was a kid it was never as "mandatory" as it is now. I am also a thalassemia minor.  Please give me your opinions on this topic and I'm not trying to start a debate on this...just looking for advice.  Thanks!



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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2010, 05:39:06 PM »
I'm confronted with this myself this year. The only flu vaccine available contains both this year's vaccine and the left over H1N1 vaccine. There is only one reason H1N1 was added to this year's vaccine, regardless of what ANY doctor on earth will tell you. It was to guarantee the exorbitant profits of the vaccine manufacturers. I already know of one case of a thal major having the vaccine this year and then getting the flu a few months later. I know of another non-thal who has a terrible reaction that lasted for days, after getting the vaccine.

I would like to hear from anyone who has had the vaccine this year. Did you have any reaction afterward and/or have you also had the flu after getting the vaccine?

Sorry, doctors, but we the patient know, that too often you side with what you are told by drug manufacturers, rather than doing any independent investigation of your own of the drugs they promote to you with all sorts of freebies. Any doctor taking as much as a pen from a drug supplier, is allowing bias into their thinking. Any doctor disagreeing, please explain the high number of drugs recalled from the market for safety reasons after you have gladly prescribed these drugs to patients. How long before Paxil and related drugs are recalled? Our other administrator can tell you about her experience with this awful drug. I can tell you that the founder of this group gave up once she was on Paxil. How many dangerous drugs are we willing to give patients just because the most incredibly biased source - the manufacturers - tell us it is safe? I would like to see far more skepticism from the medical field when it comes to drugs recommended.

All we are saying is give thals a chance.


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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2010, 11:14:17 PM »
More than a month ago, the CNN broadcasted someone from the WHO declaring that there is no more H1N1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just like that :mad I can't imagine how they dared to say so after what they did the last year

Anyway, i never had any flu vacine during my life and I stopped giving my kids flu vacines since 4 years ago  and thanks God we are doing fine



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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 03:54:13 AM »
I had a flu shot Friday. I don't think it was the combo shot. My company provided it and most people got it. I went to the gym right after and haven't even had the usual soreness that accompanies the shot. I usually get sick at least once a year anyway. sore throat, chest congestion, but I don't remember getting the flu in a while.


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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2010, 02:51:49 AM »
I am not sure what to do either.  Last year Lil A got terribly ill after getting his shot - he was completely fine before but he got so sick that he had to be on Tamiflu after the vaccination because it gave him a very high fever.  He was miserable for days at first because of the fever from the shot - then from the stomach aches caused by the Tamiflu. 

Lil A has had rituximab recently so he may require extra precautions this year - but I am not sure what to do....



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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2010, 05:29:25 PM »

Can't he get just a flu vaccine and not H1N1? or are the both combined?



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Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2010, 08:02:17 PM »

I'm not sure, I should look into that - thanks:)


Re: Flu/H1N1 Vaccine...
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2010, 05:33:21 AM »
Sorry, for replying so late but thanks so much for everyone's opinion...I have now made up my mind about it.

@Sharmin: You should definitely ask to see if they just have the regular flu shot.  I was going to do the regular flu shot for my son but they only have the combo vaccine here (I'm in the USA). :(


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