I've been very fortunate so far. I have not been discriminated against in terms of job opporunities. When I got accepted into this government job, I told the doctor that I am a thal maj. He was very surprised. He asked if I was sure

(duh'! As is i didn't know if I was a thal maj or not...) That was 4 and a half years ago.
I heard of other thal maj who declared their condition and were rejected other jobs and even from the very same job that I had applied for, probably their physical features were more obvious or I had a better doc.
However. even though i was not discriminated from a job, I was discriminated in the job. My boss was good with it. When I told him about my condition (company's organisation is HUGE) he was very supportive and told me to take the time I need. It was the organistation's policy that discriminated.
I was made to sign a form that stated that if I were to take sick leave, I would have to produce a medical certificate which stated that the reason for my sick leave is NOT related to thal. If not, it would be treated as a NO PAY leave. In other words, no pay for those days I took sick leave for.
I'm not sure if you guys know, but here we are not a welfare state and therefore do not get free medical treatment. I have to pay for my transfusions, medications and whatever other many tests that I have to do. So if I DO take sick leave for my transfusions which is not often anyway, I will not get paid that day plus, I have to pay for my treatment.
I feel discriminated, but should I keep quiet about this since I should be grateful that I got this job despite me being thal maj?